mcalc.pxe is used to characterize a mos device for gm/I design It is developed to be run with LTSpice, and does not use and internal model stuff. So far we use : * gregGMnmos and gregGMpmos to do the Id sweeps to get gm and gds These sweeps have five identical devices to get the derivatives The voltage deltas can be passed to mcalc.pxe * gregGMncap to get the capacitance (need gregGMpcap) An estimate of the gate cap per square micron can be passed to mcalc.pxe so that the resonance frequency with the inductor can be set to 10 kHz and the current can be set to 0dB gain at 1GHz You should check the .op.raw file to verify that the DC currents are correct * Need a gregGMnvt and gregGMpvt These bias up a device Vgs=vdd vds=vdd/2 then mirror that current by a factor of alph=1/100