* It is essential to merge nodes before simulating * It is essential to make a mesh with common verticies. You can't have a vertice end up on the edge of another element * Beginners guide available from help menu * Using mecway now * Numbers for Thermal Calcs k Cp p ---- --- ----- Diamond 1000 520 3500 Si 149 705 2329 Oxide 1.3 680 2648 Al 237 897 2700 Copper 401 385 8960 Gold 318 129 19300 TIM 2.5 1559 1370 Oxide could have thermal conductivity as high as 12 for quartz TIM = Tputty 502 = Boron Nitride filled silicone From Tputty 502 datasheet k=3.0 p=1370 Cp=1460 -> http://www.matweb.com/search/datasheetText.aspx?bassnum=O5200 Replaced my numbers with Mohsen's above * Components & Materials This is an EXCLUSIVE listing of elemements All elements must be in one and only one group These groupings are only element, and all elements in a group have the same material. * Named Selections These are handy groupings of elements, faces, or points These groupings are non-exclusive, thus an element can be in multiple groups * Manual Meshing - Tools 1. creating tools - bring into existence a two dimensional mesh 2. editing tools - form and modify the two dimensional mesh 3. tranform tools - tools that convert two dimensional mesh to three 4. refinement tools - to converge to final * Three steps 1. Build Model 2. Solve Model 3. Display the Results * Click the axis symbol to select the viewing angle Right click mouse to pan Mouse wheel to zoom Middle mouse button to rotate isometric view * Tape Measure Click Tape Measure Button Select a node and hold left mouse button down Move to another node * In the beginners guild there is a tutorial of a thin plate being cooled in a bath of oil In this example, the plate starts at 250C, and is then immersed into an oil bath of 50C. They do a poor job in this example of explaining the overall dimensions of the plate. For this example, they really are modeling a infinitely large plate, 0.1m thick, and they only want to model heat flow between the plate and the liquid thru the large surfaces To do this, they draw a grid 0.1m in the x direction, thus the x direction is thickness of the plate. The y direction, and the z direction should thus be infinite The y direction is confusing, because they make it 0.2, but then they don't allow for convection out the ends in the y direction. It is essentially a one dimensional problem ----------------------- Here's my solution to their simple example. I change the height to 1.0m rather than 0.2, and I don't subdivide in the y direction, since I'm not allowing head flow that way 1. Start Lisa 2. Right_Click Analysis Set to Thermal_Transient Number_time_steps = 450 Time_step = 1 3. Mesh_tools-->Create-->Node Add points (0, 0, 0) (0.1, 0, 0.0) (0.1, 1.0, 0) (0.0, 1.0, 0) 4. Set Axis to X-Y Plane (click blue z-axis) 5. Fit View 6. Mesh_tools-->Create-->Element quad4 (select four points in counter clockwise manner) (close) 7. Right_Click Component_&_Materials_:_Default<1-element> Geometric--> Plate/shell/membrane (Thickness = 1) Mechanical-->Isotropic (Density = 2707) Thermal-->Isotropic (Thermal_conductivity = 204) (Specific_heat = 896) 8. Select the element (use the select_element icon top of drawing window) 9. Mesh_tools-->Refine-->Custom (R=8 S=1 T=1) 10. Select left and right face (use select nodes icon) select the four corner nodes, then change to select_face icon (this trick lets you select the left and right edge) 11. Loads_&_Constraints-->New_convection (Ambient=50) (Heat_transfer=80) 12. Select All (use select element icon, and select everything) 13. Initial_Conditions-->New_temperature (set to 250) 14. Hit bit = sign button to solve 15. Click the Temerature tap of the solution (See temp goes from 250 to 198) ------------------------------------------- Now I'd like to do a little more intuitive model thickness is in the z direction, but not drawn