* Document Properties Display units : px Landscape Custom Size : 5000 x 3200 (rest leave default) Grids space 100, major 5 (enable, visible, snap) (dark blue, light pink) space 20, major 25 (enable, visible, snap) (norm blue, light blue) space 10, major 50 (enable, , snap) space 5, major 100 (enable, , snap) * Fonts (need to locate for archive): bahnschrift.ttf BalsamiqSans-BoldItalic.ttf BalsamiqSans-Bold.ttf BalsamiqSans-Italic.ttf BalsamiqSans-Regular.ttf ShelbysFontFA.ttf ShelbysFontFN.ttf ShelbysFont.ttf TCM_____.TTF * Everything is meant to be a poster 42" x 30" It is really an arrangement of 4 x 4 sheets 3000px X 2000px each These sheets are meant to be 10" x 6.67" (my scale factor is essentially 1" = 300px) These 16 sheets would thus be 12000 x 8000 --> 40" x 26.67" --> 1.00" margin on sides --> 2.33" margin on top --> 1.00" margin on bottom * Equations Use LibreOffice Math print to PDFXChange Organize-->Crop-->remove white space import into InkScape using standard import (not Cairo) and all defaults scale imported stuff by 200% * Get Shelby's Fonts from Dropbox (bring up windows font tool, and drag the three fonts in) (in WSL, copy these three files into the ~/.fonts/ ) * Set LibreOffice Math to use ShelbysFont Set all of the symbols in GregSet to use ShelbysFont (Tools-->Symbols-->Edit) (Bug Warning - You many need to temporarily set the "Symbol set" to something else, otherwise it won't let you type in a name for the new symbol that has already been used) When every thing looks good : Symbol : gpi Symbol Set : GregSet Font : ShelbysFont then hit "Add" or "Modify" as appropriate (add if it is new, modify if it is replacing) be careful to never hit this if Symbol Set is not GregSet * Display units : px Custom size Orientation Landscape Width : 3000 Height : 2000 100 5 visible:on 20 25 visible:on 10 50 visible:off 5 100 visible:off * To export Inkscape to Visio 1. Save file as plain_fname.svg (plain SVG format) Quit 2. Open plain_fname.svg you in Inkscape Select everything Scale by 0.6 Move back to origin Open Document Properties and change size accordingly Quit 3. Open plain_fname.svg in Visio. Everything should be fine and on grid 4. Save drawing as a .vsdx 5. Reopen the drawing 6. View-->Show(lower_arrow) set Rulers to Coarse set Grid_Minimum_spacing = 0.0625 * To import math to Inkscape Print to PDFXchange, then crop with crop tool Import cairo works fine Import default may work even better but sometime results in unwanted groupings To Import Equations Use OpenOffice, LibreOffice math editor (or even MS Office equation editor in Word) (see Manual in gregbox/PDF/MG72-MathGuide.pdf) Export to PDF Open PDF in PDFXChange delete extra junk crop with crop tool and remove whitespace Import PDF into InkScape using PDF Cairo Trace Bitmap 1. past a bitmap image in 2. select the image 3. Path --> Trace_Bitmap - select grays - hit ok 4. Delete original bitmap image Undo --> z Export to png /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Inkscape/inkscape.exe -b white -f sampDFF.svg -e sampDFF1.png --export-area-drawing /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Inkscape/inkscape.exe -b white -f sampDFF.svg -e sampDFF1.png --export-area-drawing -d 96 /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Inkscape/inkscape.exe -b white -f sampDFF.svg -e sampDFF1.png --export-area-drawing -d 144 To go back to default delete the file : C:\Users\uia73657\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\preferences.xml P Tools-->Geometric bounding box -->Text-->Text_units : mm -->(uncheck show text samples on dropdown) -->(later you will set default font and size with -T ) Interface-->Grids-->mm / spacing=20 / major_every=5 (minor color 100 100 100 10) (major color 50 50 255 20) -->Windows-->Default window size = small -->Don't save window geometry -->Don't save dialogs status -->Dialog_tranpency - Opacity when unfocused : 1.0 -->Misc-->Save_and_restore_documents_viewport (uncheck) Behavior-->Snapping-->Delay 0.0 -->Transforms-->Scale_Stroke_Width (uncheck) Inkscape - mm based drawings Shft-Ctrl-D Page LandScape Custom Size : Width=2000 Height =1600 Scale=5 Grids gridA Enabled - yes Visible - yes Snap_to_visible_only - yes Grid_units : mm SpaceX : 20.0 SpaceY : 20.0 Major_grid_every : 5 Minor grid line color : 100 100 100 10 Major grid line color : 50 50 255 20 gridB Enabled - yes Visible - no Snap_to_visible_only - yes Grid_units : mm SpaceX : 10.0 SpaceY : 10.0 Major_grid_every : 10 Minor grid line color : 100 100 100 10 Major grid line color : 50 50 255 20 0 gridC Enabled - yes Visible - no Snap_to_visible_only - yes Grid_units : mm SpaceX : 5.0 SpaceY : 5.0 Major_grid_every : 20 Shft-Ctrl-L add layers : draw, bord, text, grph Recommended line widths : simple drawing --> 4.0 detailed drawing --> 2.0 a dimension --> 0.5 a guide line --> 0.1 (an icon or grid or diagram might use 6.0) Many commands don't work well. Here are some methods that work : 1. To chop a shape - draw a chopping rectangle on the same layer - now select the shape and the chopping rectangle - Path-->Exclusion - Path-->Break Apart 2. To merge a shape Make sure shape OVERLAP with finite area - Path-->Union Path-->Simplify 3. To slice a shape Draw line thru shape Select Shape and Line Path-->Division * Default Template : startInk2017 * I added to additional grids (ctrl-shft-D) 0.05 and 0.025 uncheck visible and uncheck snap_to_visible_only * To draw a precision rectangle select which grid (ctrl-shft-D) (space bar toggles enable/disable grid) (KP_Enter togggle all grids on/off) select rectangle tool (F4) draw size rect right clock on line width bottom of screen - remove stroke ctrl-shft-M * Custome templates are stored in : C:\Users\warwargr\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\templates * Install ghostscript from https://www.ghostscript.com * ThisPC-->Properties-->Advanced_Sysetm_Settings-->Advanced_tab-->Environment_Variables--> (add to PATH C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.22\lib C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.22\bin ) * Export equations as .eps from math type * As long as you have installed ghostscript, and added the two items above to the path variable, you can now include these directly. * When you import them however, make sure to select "Poppler/Cairo" rather than ininternal import * If you don't have ghostscript installed, you can alternatively use the epstopdf converter found in some of the latex stuff * To get the output pdf, make sure to use the builtin save as pdf, rather than printing to pdf *************************** Edit-->Preferences-->Tools : Geometric_Bounding_Box Edit-->Preferences-->Behavior-->Snapping : Delayed_snap=0 File-->Documment_Properties : Page_TAB Display_units : in Page_Size : US Letter Orientation : Landscape Scale : 100 (both x and y) Grids_TAB Set up 1st grid Enable=yes Visible=yes SnapVisibleOnly=no Spacing_X = Spacing_Y = 0.1 Set up 2nd grid Enable=no Visible=no SnapVisibleOnly=no Spacing_X = Spacing_Y = 0.05 Set up 3rd grid Enable=no Visible=no SnapVisibleOnly=no Spacing_X = Spacing_Y = 0.025 Ctrl-Shft-T : Text Tool Ctrl-Shft-M : Transform Tool Ctrl-Shft-X : XML Edit Ctrl-Shft-D : Document Properties Ctrl-Shft-F : Fill and Stroke Ctrl-Shft-L : Layers Ctrl-Shft-A : Align Ctrl-G : Group Ctrl-Shft-G : UnGroup Ctrl-Alt-/ : Cut Ctrl-D : duplicate Ctrl-C : copy style and everything Ctrl-Shft-V : paste style only (bottom row of colors - is fill, or stroke with shift) *************************** Quick Keys 1 - zoom 1:1 | ` = previous view 2 = zoom 1:2 | -` = next view 3 = zoom selection | -RightMouseDrag = drag 4 = zoom drawing | MouseWheel = scroll vert 5 = zoom page | -MouseWheel = scroll horz 6 = zoom page width | -RghtMouClick = zoom-in point | -RghtMouClick = zoom-out point -arrows = pan canval [ or ] = rotate -[ or ] = rotate by 90 -[ or ] = rotate by 1 pixel h = flip horizontal v = flip vertical -s = toggle rotation handles or ] = rotate by 1 pixel mous = scale -mous = scale preserve aspect ratio -mous = scale around centerShelby -mous = scale by integer mous = select and move -mous = move selected (you can let go alt) -mous = move horiz or vertical -mous = move disable snap (space while moving - drop copy) arrow = move by nudge (0.025") -arrow = move by 10x nudge -arrow = move by 1 pixel -arrow = move by 10 pixel # - toggle grid % - toggle snap - pan canvas with mouse - Select - Rectangle * http://www.hoboes.com/Mimsy/hacks/write-inkscape-extension-create-multiple-duplicates/ * Uploading stuff to the web 504 chmod ugo+r tryInk.pdf 505 scp tryInk.pdf qoffeene@qoffee.net:www 506 cat ~/Desktop/anim/how.txt 507 scp -p tryInk.pdf qoffeene@qoffee.net:www 508 lls 509 chmod ugo+r tryInk.svg 510 scp -p tryInk.svg qoffeene@qoffee.net:www