*** On work PC It's very important to run cmd.exe /c xelab .... rather than just xelab ... This takes the runtime down from 1 minute 13 sec ---> 27 sec on a testcase verilog run I believe this is due to a delay from the virus protection software, so running xelab thru a new process cmd.exe or even powershell.exe is faster. I did find powershell.exe was a tiny bit slower than cmd.exe, but still much faster that running xelab directly on my work PC On the MSI pc, I don't see any delays in running xelab directly *** On MSI I can get rid of the error message by unset DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS without really being able to notice a speed decrease when running a gtkmm compiled C program Also, I think you need to unset DISPLAY if you want to use the windows open_ssh *** IMPORTANT After messing with dbus for a very long time, I have concluded the best is to simply set the 3 env variables at login export DISPLAY=:0.0 export NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=1 It's very strange, but setting this last one to a nonsense value of 1, causes an error to be reported ((a:1051): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: g_dbus_proxy_new_sync: assertion 'G_IS_DBUS_CONNECTION (connection)' failed) You could get rid of this error by setting it to the right process as shown below, but this actually results in slower execution, thus I leave it simply set to 1. You could set is with export $(dbus-launch) and get rid of the error message, but it will be slower. *** BELOW is OLD It seems very important to install dbus and dbus-x11 and (maybe at-spi2-core) It is very important that the DBUS environment variables are set < DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/tmp/dbus-4AiGSC8LpJ,guid=ab548e9e6dc95e11ae5949a05ed7ddb8 < DBUS_SESSION_BUS_PID=1674 < DBUS_SESSION_BUS_WINDOWID=2097153 Can be set with export $(dbus-launch) It is very important that export NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 export DISPLAY=:0.0 It seems that export DISPLAY=:0.0 export NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=1 may be sufficient * 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 1. Need to set you environment variable in windows : HOME --> C:\Users\gregww 2. After setting the above environment variable, open a new terminal, and in your home directory, put the following files * **************************** * .profile * **************************** #!/bin/bash echo "Hi Johnny - I'm in .bashrc" if [ -f ~/.bashrc_johnny ]; then . ~/.bashrc_johnny fi * **************************** * **************************** * .bashrc * **************************** #!/bin/bash echo "Hi Johnny - I'm in .bashrc" if [ -f ~/.bashrc_johnny ]; then . ~/.bashrc_johnny fi * **************************** * **************************** * .bashrc_johnny * **************************** #!/bin/bash echo "Hi Johnny" umask 0022 PATH=.:$HOME/bin:$PATH alias lls='ls -lrt' alias ll='ls -l' alias llm='ls -l | more' alias ji='jstar' # QCCDIR=/home/greg/qccdir # export QCCDIR # LC_ALL=C # export LC_ALL PS1="\\w% " * **************************** * **************************** * .vimrc * **************************** " This file : .vimrc " Note - comments start with " set viminfo= " :filetype off * ****************************