Open a powershell as admin pip install windows-curses Here is a simple program : * 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 import curses screen = curses.initscr() gwin = curses.newwin(20, 30, 3, 5) kstr = type(screen) jstr = type(gwin) screen.border() screen.addstr(0, 26, "Press any key...") screen.refresh() gwin.border() gwin.addstr("HI") gwin.refresh() c = screen.getch() curses.endwin() # Convert the key to ASCII and print ordinal value print("You pressed %s which is keycode %d." % (chr(c), c)) print(kstr) print(jstr) * 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 From running this, I find that screen and gwin are both types curses.window Now I can get help import curses help(curses) dir(curses) help(curses.window) dir(curses.window)