Convert 'μ' to 'u': Replace all instances of 'μ' to 'u'. Useful for generating netlists for SPICE simulators that don't understand the 'μ' character as the metric multiplier of 1e-6.
Reverse comp. order: Circuit elements are normally netlisted in the order in which they were added to the schematic. Checking this box causes this order to be reversed.
Default Devices: Whenever a diode is used in an LTspice schematic, the default model statement ".model D D" is added to the netlist to suppress messages about using the default model. Unchecking this option suppresses inclusion of this line as well as the analogous model statements for bipolar, MOSFET, and JFET transistors.
Default Libraries: Whenever a diode is used in an LTspice schematic, the default library, standard.dio, is included in the simulation by a .lib statement. Unchecking this option suppresses inclusion of this library as well as the analogous library statements for bipolar, MOSFET, and JFET transistors.