Navigating the Hierarchy

Any file opened with the File=>Open command is considered a top-level schematic. You can add SPICE directives to that block and run simulations using only it and any lower-level schematics to which it refers.

To open a schematic block as an instance of a block of a higher-level schematic, first open the higher-level schematic and then move the mouse to the body of the instance of the symbol calling the block. When you right mouse click on the body of the instance of that symbol, a special dialog appears that allows you to open the schematic. When you open the schematic in this manner, you can cross probe the nodes and current in the block. Note that you should have the options "Save Subcircuit Node Voltages" and "Save Subcircuit Device Currents" checked on the Save Defaults Pane of the Control Panel. Also, if you've highlighted a node on the top-level schematic, that node will be also highlighted in the lower level block.

Note that is dialog also allows you to enter parameters to pass to this instance of the circuitry in preamp.asc.