LTspice XVII is intended to be used as a general purpose schematic capture program with an integrated SPICE simulator. The idea is you draw a circuit(or start with an example circuit that's already drafted) and observe its operation in the simulator. The design process involves iterating the circuit until the desired circuit behavior is achieved in simulation.
The schematic is ultimately converted to a textual SPICE netlist that is passed to the simulator. While the netlist is usually extracted from a graphical schematic drafted in LTspice, an imported netlist can be run directly without having a schematic. This second mode of operation has some uses: (i) Linear Technology's filter synthesis program, FilterCAD, can synthesize a netlist for LTspice to simulate the time domain or frequency response of a filter. (ii) it simplifies benchmarking LTspice against other SPICE programs (iii) professionals historically experienced with SPICE circuit simulators are familiar with working directly with the textual netlists because schematic capture was not integrated with SPICE simulators in very old simulators.