java GUI summary * Components (or in Swing, JComponents) JComponents are the fundamental primative widgets everything is built from JTextField JTextArea JComboBox JLabel JList JMenuBar JOptionPane JPanel JScrollBar JButton * Containers Containers contain components Container are themselves components For creating a GUI, we need at least one container Three of the most useful types of containers: JPanel - A pure container, not a window by itself JFrame - A fully functioning window with a title and icons JApplet - Usually used in a browser Other containers : JToolBar JScrollPane JDialog *************************************** * Simple example with no layout manager *************************************** import javax.swing.*; class gui { public static void main(String args[]) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("My First GUI"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.setSize(300,300); JButton button1 = new JButton("Button 1"); JButton button2 = new JButton("Button 2"); frame.getContentPane().add(button1); frame.getContentPane().add(button2); frame.setVisible(true); } } *************************************** Note that we typically create our own class which is an extension of JFrame, but has some : smart layout manager stuff its own variables its own special methods BorderLayout is the default layout manager of JFrame FlowLayout is the default layout manager of JPanel Note that a frame can hold JComponents or conatiners *************************************** * The content pane of a window is where you place stuff. It is the inner area of the window. A JFrame will always have a content pane, even if you don't create it. You get it with frame.getContentPane() Container con = getContentPane(); con.setLayout(flow); con.add(princLabel); . . . You can also create your own content pane, and then set it to be the frame content pane // in class definition BorderLayout bord = new BorderLayout() JPanel pane = new JPanel(); // in the constructor pane.setlayout(bord); pane.add(comp1, BorderLayout.NORTH) pane.add(comp2, BorderLayout.South) setContentPane(pane); *************************************** *************************************** * JFrame() *************************************** The class JFrame is one of the most important classes A JFrame object is the top level window in your GUI If you create your own kind of object, it will just be an extension of JFrame Important methods provided by the class JFrame public JFrame() - constructor public JFrame(String s) - constructor with a title public void setSize(int w, int h) public void setTitle(String s) public void setVisible(boolean b) public void setDefaultCloseOperation(int operation) (usually "operation" is EXIT_ON_CLOSE) public void addWindowListener(WindowEvent e) You can directly use the class JFrame, and create your own JFrame object, which will be your GUI window *************************************** *************************************** * Basic Framework of a java class --> *************************************** public class gregThing { // all my static variables that come with each gregThing int xval; double lenghval; . . . // the default constructor public gregThing() { } // other methods that come with a gregThing public void calculateVal() { } . . . // main method public static void main(String [] args) { //usually create one instance of the class } } *************************************** * Basic Framework of a java GUI class --> *************************************** import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class johnnyFrame extends JFrame implements ActionListener { // static variables (include your basic JComponents - Jbutton, JTextField, ...) // default constructor public johnnyFrame() { } // alternate constructor public johnnyFrame(String namestr) { } // Main Method public static void main(String[] args) { johnnyFrame frm = new JohnnyFrame() frm.setTitle("Whei") } }